Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Qvestions Qvestions #1 #1

In response to The Big Week you'll have three writings to post up on your blog. They're all due on Monday, Sept. 24, but if I were you I'd get them done as I assign them.The first writing deals with what you learned. Remember, write what you mean and think, not what you think I want you to think. 

1) You've worked on a group film and on your own. In which situation are you most comfortable - group or solo? Which do you work best in?

 2) What did you learn that you expected to learn?

3) What did you learn that you didn't expect to learn? 

4) What didn't you learn that you expected to learn?

 5) Praise your amazing achievement and explain your brilliant plan for pulling it off.

When I posted this my formatting got all destroyed... answer the questions above, especially #5.

Now, for #5, it says "Praise your amazing achievement..." This means PRAISE. It doesn't mean it could have been better, etc etc. It means praise. Big ridiculous praise. Fulsome praise and boasting. On and on about how great it was. Really sell me on it. Find all the good things about it. Lie if you have to, but don't be stupid and pandering about it.

You must learn to sell yourself even when you don't think you've anything to sell.

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